IAS Data (www.iasdata.com) is an online platform with a robust facility for dynamic searching of the contents of news/ articles from English newspapers, particularly from The Hindu.
During the course of personal interaction with a large number of IAS aspirants, it finally dawned upon me that a large, a very large number of aspirants were frittering away a large chunk of their precious time:
1. In keeping in store the cuttings of important news/ articles from various newspapers, and enduring a disappointment, facing a catastrophe when despite best efforts of indexing and categorizing these pieces of paper, the papers were not found in time.
2. In preparing notes of news/ articles published in English newspapers, and more so,
3. Roaming around on search on Google of various topics of importance with various permutations and combinations of search tags
This website is a solution to all these misdemeanors.
This website presents before you the contents/news/articles of Current Affairs taken from various newspapers, particularly The Hindu, topic-wise, strictly as per the syllabus of IAS exam. And, with a topic and its sub-topic, the newspaper selected from the dropdown menus and duration, you get almost all the reporting with report’s link of newspaper, and news itself.
This is absolutely free.
A new feature providing sequential information from various sources (particularly from the English news-paper The Hindu, Indian Express) on some current affairs topic is available on this site. Keeping in view the fact that there may be some terms in the news/description which the reader may not have a prior understanding or there may be some historical backgrounds of the event covered in the news, which the reader may not be acquainted with, it has been attempted to provide a thorough information regarding the terms used in the article and the historical background, for which Google has been taken resorted to.
The material can be copied. Since the information may be fetched from various resources, due care has been taken to place due courtesy and details of ownership information on the documents.
I reiterate that the work is totally a copy-paste, but an attempt has been made for the Civil Services aspirants to collect various segmented, but coherent pieces of information on relevant topics, and bundle them in one package.
The sample documents are hyperlinked with the topic.
This PDF PPT provides information about HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited). Updated as on 07 Aug 2018.